Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Tuesday, Tuesday

I came to work a bit earlier this morning so I could write this. Joans laptop died a few days ago so the only access to the internet I have is through the mini screen on his ipod so not to great for blogging. I have a great big to do list, at work and at home. Since I'm leaving on Thursday I'm leaving my collegues with my course. I need to try to get as much done today and tomorrow as humanly possible. I currently I have 25 things on my to do list. ugh.
At home, I have to get the house cleaned up, finish some laundry, take my coat to the dry cleaners, paint the nails, get the eyebrows done, PACK, make some frozen lunches for Joan, run my last minute errands, get my itinerary, passport etc all in order, call everyone to finalize plans etc etc. Again, ugh.

I am going to be more excited on Wednesday night when everything is done. Today is just crazy. Tonight I am trying to get together with the Crew, Elizabeth, Alex and Rod. Rod is leaving for Australia on the 20th. I'm going to miss him, he's a good guy and Joan got along well with him too. I'm worried for Alex as he will be the only Australian left in Girona. I'm trying to learn some Aussie terms to make him feel more at home, it's a bit difficult and I have to keep from laughing when I use the terms.

Well, it's time for me to start working. I will talk to you all soon and see some of you very soon!