Saturday, August 30, 2008


Reasons Joan and I might move to Girona

1.I am so sick of Lloret and so is Joan
If I have to be here another summer to witness drunk tourists roaming the streets and releasing their bodily fluids while I try to enjoy my one day at the beach, I think I'll be sick.

2.Nothing else to do
Joan and I have gone to every restaurant, every beach, every club, and it's getting to the point where we go to Girona anyway just to try something new. I understand you can't move everytime you get bored, but enough is enough.

3.The drive to work could be improved
Joan has to wake up by 7 (I have to get up at 6:45) so we can leave at 7:45 to drive to Girona so he can find a parking space. After work, we really have to plan what we do in town because we could have a 30 minute to an hour drive home and I would like to relax a bit before I have to clean,cook,whatever.

4. Girona is better for other reasons
There are new apartments, in good locations,with a ton of new restaurants,shops and parks. My friend Liz lives there, so do Alex and Rod so that's a plus. Our friends Carles and Gemma live there so we could see them more too.

5.Bigger cities offer more
Girona has a free theatre everynight in the summer, so I will get to see my favorite plays (and some new ones) at no cost! There are more trains and buses to Barcelona and other towns than in Lloret.

6.More Culture
I can go to mass at the Cathedral in Girona, I'll walk down streets thousands of years old,I can see the sunrise on the river onyar and learn my way around a great city.

Now for a few cons

1.No Beach
Lloret is probably the closest beach, which is ok because Joan and I rarely make it to the beach during the week anyway and for sure we will be in Lloret on the weekends to see his family and friends here.

2.We will have to leave our amazing view
While I won't miss climbing five flights of stairs everyday, I will miss our great view. I have a hundred pictures of it and I know we can always come back, but leaving it will be hard. Leaving our flat in general will be hard because we have so many memories here. It's our first place together. But no one stays in their first place, do they?

3. I will miss Pepi and Bernard
Pepi and Bernard are THE BEST neighbors. They never complain, they aren't loud, Pepi brings us desserts, she lets me borrow her clothes. They are so nice and kind and hilarious. I know we can do dinners together on the weekends,we may have to. Joan and I will miss them so much.

4.Our rent will be slighly higher
But we won't be using as much gas a month and if you live in Girona the government gives you 200€ a month. So, that will help us pay it.

Overall, I think it is a great idea to move. Below are pictures of a flat we are going to look at on Monday. We already saw one yesterday in the same building but it was a two story. We love that one so much more but the rent is almost two hundred more than we can pay. This one is only a one bedroom not two and doesn't have an office, which would be nice to have. Joan and I are going to talk with the man on Monday and decide. We have a few more flats to look at it in the meantime, but this one is in a perfect location and has an oven. Also, we will be the first people to live there!

What do you think?

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Adios! Adeu! Aurvoir!

The girls are gone. We successfully made it to the airport two and a half hours before their flight. I am so glad.
I'm also happy to not have to hear anymore jokes about setting "10 alarms" or "waking up on time, this time."
When we arrived in Lloret we had to go to the Police Station to get my Spanish I.D. That took about two hours. Waiting in a small room with 20 other foreigners wasn't our idea of a nice morning but we got it done and my official I.D. will be here in 45 days. We were told this after the old police officer asked if I was related to Karl Malone. Is he really still popular?

We stopped over at El Romani for some bravas and now we're home, enjoying the quiet peacefulness of our house. Joan is reading his Aviation magazine and I wanted to take the time to begin updating my blog more frequently. We only have today and tomorrow left of vacations but it might as well be just today. Tomorrow I need to make sure the house is clean, laundry done and stuff, Joan will need to refresh my memory on making IDs for Cavok since I will start Thursday with him and we will have to make a budget for September and figure out which bills to pay. We also need to get our flight tickets for December, get all my paperwork from my doctors in the states, contact Northwest (again) about my transcripts and probably a hundred more things I haven't realized it.

I promise to update with highlights from the trip with the girls and upload pictures too.


Sunday, August 24, 2008

Barcelona and Back Again

Things have been very busy the last couple weeks so I haven't had time to write. I would tell you all about the days with my friends but first I'll tell you about Friday and Saturday.

Friday night we went to dinner at El Tunel with Shabir. We ordered patatas bravas and sat in the lounge chairs and had wine and champagne. When dinner was ordered we moved to the table where Shabir ordered more champagne. Our dinner arrived and it was delicious. Paella of just rice with Lobster. It was delicious! Shabir ordered more and more champagne. Ridiculous, especially at 80€ a bottle, if not more. Then we had dessert and when it was time to pay, Shabir told us he took care of it. So incredibly nice! After we went to this bar called Soda and Nikki,Eryn and I had a Caprisoka, a drink with strawberries.
(Don't worry family I wasn't drunk at all!)

We came home around two and everyone but Nikki and I went to bed. We wanted to stay up since we had to wake up at 5:30to get ready to go to the airport. Well, at 5:00 I was so so tired and fell asleep. Nikki did too and we woke up at 7! We didn't hear my alarm, Joan didn't hear his alarms either. We packed fast and made it to the airport but missed the plane by 15 minutes.

After being stressed, mad, upset and devastated we decided to get the tickets for Tuesday. The girls had mixed emotions but basically were sad that they couldn't get back.

It was so strange though because ALL week whatever we talked about, happened. For example, we had a conversation about how dangerous cheerleading and tattoos are. Then, on the news that night were two specials on "How Cheerleading is the most dangerous sport" and "What to be prepared for before your next tattoo". Another night, over dinner, we talked about storms and Joan said Spain never gets any bad storms, ever. We talked about hurricanes and heavy rains. Not 30 minutes after we went to bed, we heard thunder,lightning and a monsoon hit the flat. We couldn't see out of the windows. Joan woke up with a start when I told him water was pouring into our room, the kitchen was flooded even though all the windows were sealed. Water was coming in through every corner. Then, it stopped. Coincidences like that kept happening all week. The day before Nikki and Eryn left they talked about how they didn't want to leave, how maybe they could just stay a couple extra days. Look what happened. Joan, who ALWAYS hears his alarm and wakes up, didn't. Weird things.

It is Monday, my friends leave tomorrow. (for sure) and Joan and I can get back to our normal schedule. However, Joan's last day of vacation is Wednesday and then both of us are going to work. I FINALLY get to work! My papers came in at the same time Montse told Joan she needed me there. I also start my Spanish courses, so I will be a busy bee. I'm excited though!

Today we're going to the beach and watching movies. Dinner tonight and then waking up EARLY tomorrow.

Ciao Bellas.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Friends, Fun and Shoko

My friends and here everything is going very well. I apologize for not writing in so long but we have been very busy! When I get a moment to upload some pictures I will start from the beginning and fill you in on each of the days with my friends. It really is so nice having them here!

Yesterday we got home late and Joan and Eryn went straight to bed. Nikki and I stayed up and talked for awhile and realized the sun would be up soon and she wanted to see the sunrise so we sat on the terrace and waited. We talked about everything; friends, family, travel. I'm pretty sure she wants to move to Spain now too! We didn't go to bed until 8 a.m.! I'm glad though because we were able to get some one on one time and enjoy each others company. I'm really thrilled they are both here because it is a 360 degree change from what they are used too. For example, last night we had a dinner at Shoko in Barcelona. I will tell you about it more in depth in another post but let's say it blew their minds. These are two girls from the Midwest, Omaha and Kansas City. Shoko was a very modern, very beautiful place. Our table was on the terrace,right next to the beach. Behind us were tall pillars of Bamboo and candles laying in the sand. Our food was DELICIOUS and everyone's new favorite.

It is Day 5 and we're going to the beach and lunch at Fenals for Paella. Although it is almost three and Nikki and Eryn are both still sleeping. I suppose I should wake them up, I'm starving!

I hope you all have a wonderful day, hug your friends, hug your family and spend it doing something fun!

Monday, August 11, 2008

Two Days

As you can see, I did get the haircut, but not the blonde. I decided not to because it was going to take more than an hour to do, a lot more than I expected and I would rather have Judit do it but I didn't make an appointment in time. So, maybe in a few months I will give it a shot. But, do you like the haircut?

Since it is now Monday, I have two days to accomplish everything I need to do. I've already made my list and as soon as the last word is written on this post, I will have to start cleaning.
Joan has been a big help and I know he will try his best not to make a mess Tuesday night. I know we will both be excited, I don't know if I will even be able to sleep. I can't wait to show them my life here, why I decided to stay and to fill them in on my plans for the upcoming months.

The itinerary is almost complete, there are just a few tweaks and my actual birthday to plan. Joan and I still have to get groceries, find a present for Xevi and a couple hundred more things.

All for now, gotta get to work.

Hope all is well where you are!

Friday, August 8, 2008

Another Change Perhaps?

Sometimes people like to go mix things up a bit, buy a new outfit they wouldn't normally wear, try a different restaurant, drive another way home from work. These changes aren't usually very often but after someone has been in a routine or a funk for awhile. I can always tell when I've been doing the same thing for to long because I immediately want to dye my hair. Thinking about that, it's a change within a constant routine ( routine + change = dying hair = routine) but I digress. Since I really shouldn't move anywhere else, like I tend to do from time to time, I have already gone shopping, I go to different restaurants on occasion and I don't drive-this is a quick fix.I'm thinking of going blonde. What do you think? Something like this maybe. Hairstyle and all.

I realize maybe that is a bit to blonde for me so I could go a bit darker. I would like to give it a try and Joan has already told me he would LOVE it. If this happens, it will happen Saturday. Hairdressers of the blogosphere, grandmother, Heather, give me your input, unless you think it's a bad idea of course. ;)

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Get Ready España

It's only a few more days until I'm on my way to Barcelona to pick up Nikki and Eryn. Looking back, time has flown by since the first day they told me they were coming. I've started my very thorough cleaning of the house but I'm sure I will be doing everything all over again this weekend. I spent an hour and fifteen minutes cleaning one bathroom. I can now see my reflection in the bathtub.

Timi is here now and it is going ok. Yesterday I showed her around the town, the views, how to get around and such. She treated me to lunch so that was cool. I cooked dinner last night for everyone and we watched The Beach with Leo DiCaprio. Joan visited that same Island when he went to Thailand but of course now it is full of tourists.

When Joan gets home I hope he wants to get take out or go to Panxos, I know we shouldn't but I really don't feel like cooking again. Besides, Timi's sister is coming sometime tonight and that would mean possibly making dinner for four people which equals a lot of dishes, a big mess and time on my part which I don't feel like spending SINCE I will be doing this all again with Nikki and Eryn.

It's not like I mind cooking for Timi and her sister, Timi is super nice and although I don't know her well, I know she has a good heart and is very genuine. She brought Joan and I a poster from the Cannes Film Festival which rocks and for me she brought bath salts from France so that made my day.

I'm still trying to plan my itinerary for when my friends arrive but it's actually a bit difficult trying to find a place and time for everything I want them to do and see. Especially considering money and how tired everyone will be.

It's almost 6 and Joan will be calling soon. I need to get myself cleaned up and ready but not overly so that he thinks I've been scheming to get out of cooking all day. Gotta find the balance.

Hope everything is good there, sorry for the boring updates but in a few days there will be more than enough stories and photos to fill up my blog for the rest of the month.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Adios Alvaro

Alvaro and Joan at DH

This weekend Alvaro was in town to say goodbye to everyone before he leaves for Argentina.
Even though he'll only be gone a month or two, he still wanted a party, it's Spain; it's normal.
So, the night started with Joan and I meeting Alvaro, David and Shabir at Georgio's after they had eaten. We had one glass of wine and then accompanied Shabir in a taxi to Abacco in Blanes.
It was a funny ride because Shabir was already a bit drunk and was telling the driver jokes, only the second one he told got him a smile. We finally arrived and I hadn't eaten so Joan took me next door so I could get some fries, which helped more than I thought, and we made our way back to Abacco. Alvaro kept hitting on Joan all night sin embargo he says he's not gay. However there are just to many gay innuendos for him to just be joking. Oh well, it was entertaining for the rest of us and Joan was a pretty good sport about it.

Alvaro and I at Abacco

After we went to DH but Joan and I left after being there 10 minutes. We were tired and not really in a party mood, well, I wasn't at least. I'm sure Joan would have stayed.

Shabir and I at Abacco

Oh Shabir...

Today we slept in until 1:45, woke up just in time to get ready and make it to his parents by 2:00 for lunch. The rest of the afternoon was spent laying out by the pool and swimming with Ari and Sergi. I rode Sergi's quad this afternoon as well, I was a bit scared in the beginning by how fast it went but by the second time around I was flying through the forest but Joan said I was a bit scary and wasn't sure if I should drive it anymore.

Xevi called us around 6 and said he was stopping in Lloret to visit us and would be here in an hour so we rushed home to get ready and then met him in town. We went to Il Cappriccio on the "strip of Lloret" and sat at the table right int he front facing the street, great for people watching. It was really a nice night, we had a long dinner and even after we payed the bill we stayed and talked, watched the crazy tourists go by. The best one though was this very lame guy in zip up windbreakers, with a farmers tan, shaved head and shades. He pulled up to the side of the street ( in the taxi lane) in front of the restaurant. He drove a low rider car, with mismatched red and gray paint and house music was blaring from the speakers. Things got really interesting when he got out, went to his trunk, took out a sandwich and a dirty rag for a napkin, sat in the passenger side of his car and called out to the girls on the street. He danced to the music and sat awhile hoping girls would flock to him, none did.

We left the restaurant, walked around a bit, saw more tourists in strange outfits (I wish I had pictures of some of these people) and around 11:30 called it a night. It was really nice to have a relaxing night with Xevi and not worrying about going out to big dinners or parties. He just had Lasik Eye Surgery so we were the first to see him sin glasses. His eyes were still bloodshot from the surgery but his vision was perfect. I even had to help him with the eye drops during the night. Next weekend he is going to Prague with German. Lucky guy. I know Joan and I will be able to go one day soon, so I'm not to sad we missed this trip.

Tomorrow Joan's friend from Hungry will be here with her sister so I will have to play guiá. Fun, I know. I have many things I'd like to do so I hope they want to just go off to the beach on their own.

I have a bit more cleaning to do tonight before I go to bed. Joan is already fast asleep.

Bona nit.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Joan and Cynthia's Bed and Breakfast

With the visitors we are having this summer season, I decided it would be wise to start charging overnight fees.

Overnight stay: 50€ (per person)

Breakfast in the morning: 10€

Wake up call: Gratis ( I won't be evil)

Adam was here a month ago and he really was the perfect guest. He was hardly ever here and when he was, he was happy sitting around chatting with us. I made him dinner one night and was happy to do it. When he left, he took off all the sheets, even the mattress cover and folded everything up, ready to wash. so nice! I didn't even mind calling him a cab so he wouldn't have to walk to the bus station.

Monday, Joan's other friend from Hungry is arriving. She is coming with her friend. She really is a very nice girl, although I've only spent time with her a couple times while in Dublin with Joan. They are staying with us 5 days. I am really not up to play tourguide because that next Saturday I will need to get everything ready for the arrival of my friends so I can play tour guide with them.

There still is so much I have to do. From cleaning the windows, mopping the floors, organizing the kitchen,planning the meals I will make so I can buy everything I need ahead of time, planning the ten day itinerary, budgeting of course and getting Joan to clean his car.

Even with my long list I'm unmotivated to do anything. Joan wants to go to the pool today and that is fine with me. Although I do have a headache and am just not in the mood to be laying in the sun all day, I may go anyway. My wisdom tooth is also killing me, I sure hope that it stops in a couple days. I've been taking ibuprofen and that helps a great deal.

Last night Joan and I went out to dinner with Shabir and Albert to this new restaurant by our house called El Rondo. It was really a very nice place. The best part is that it is right next door to Hotel Selva Mar so it isn't to far from our house.

Tonight we are going out with Shabir, Albert and Alvaro, remember him from my other posts? The one that hit on Joan? Yes, he will be in town because he is going to Argentina for a few months and wanted to see everyone before he left. So, Joan will want to go out tonight, which is fine but I may decide to stay home and watch movies. That sounds much better to me. I just know that in a bit over a week I'll be taking Nikki and Eryn out almost every night (for free, thanks to Shabir) but still, I need to save my energy.

All for now I suppose. I should get out of bed and get ready for the day.

Hope all is well where you are
