Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Over and Out

My Spanish class ended Tuesday and I'm actually handling it better than I thought. I got my exam back and did very well on it. It also helps knowing I will see Elizabeth, Kindra, Roderick and Alex again.

Monday after class I spent the afternoon with Ralph since he was staying in Girona for the party that night. We talked a lot, he actually was quite opinionated and actually we got into debates a couple times but he had his moments when he was very funny and very nice. He told me all about his girlfriend, his parents, his life in Holland; it really was a nice afternoon.
After, we met Kindra later at her home, which is amazing, and stayed there until 7:30 when Joan joined us and we walked to meet Alex and Elizabeth at her flat.

This is Elizabeth and I with her fans from the funeral home in Illinois

We talked, laughed, Alex had a HUGE beer and then we left her flat to go to Plaza Independencia. We went to the Japanese Restaurant again and it was even better this time around. Kindra, who was already a bit drunk by that point, had three shots of Sake and didn't eat much so....

Around 10 we left and Ralph,Kindra, Joan and I went to Café Irelandes due to Kindra's insistence. She was hysterical and I really am so glad I met her. ANYWAY, 20 minutes later it we all realized we better get her home so we did. Her flat is so near the city center, so it was easy to do. We said goodbye and Joan, Ralph and I left. Ralph lives in the town before Lloret so we dropped him off with his host family and were home in bed by 12:30. Not to shabby.

The next day was the last day of class, Kindra didn't make it but she really didn't miss anything. After Joan and I had lunch, I met Kindra at the bus station and we went to the mall. It was a lot of fun to go shopping with a girlfriend instead of Joan, not that I don't love shopping with him, because I do, but having a girls opinion was so...refreshing. Kindra and I talked a lot, I felt comfortable enough with her to talk about my family and other things with her and she did the same. We took the bus back into town ( an air conditioned one. finally) and said our goodbyes. She is only going to Madrid in October so I have two solid months to visit. Elizabeth said she wanted to visit Lloret so one day I will plan something for her. As for Alex and Roderick, I hope they can make it as well, or to my birthday party in August.

Speaking of, I still have to plan that. I have it narrowed down to 4 restaurants and 5 potential places to go afterward. I will send the choices to Xevi once I have it down to 3 and 3. He said he didn't care at all but he knows the places better than I do. I just want to make it great incase we decide to do a joint party again, I want him to want to do that, I think it will actually be pretty great.

Today Joan had the day off so we slept in and then went to his parents pool for the afternoon. We even got a few errands done and cleaned his parents house for them. I hope it was a nice surprise for Maribel.

Hope everything is good where you are!

Saturday, July 26, 2008

The Weekenders

Friday turned out to be really great, Nicole came to visit and we had a really great time. It was so nice to have one of my sorority sisters here and to just catch up about everything that had happened this last year. We went to Cala Banys (of course) lunch at Hotel Marisol where we met a Spanish waiter named Kilian, attacked by flies, walked along the beach, met Joan's mom, sat on my terrace and talked, went to an early dinner with Joan at this Italian place we found. Then it was time for her to go. I have to remember to write her and thank her again for coming to see me, she had a three hour travel to get here from where she was staying with her boyfriend so not exactly a quick trip.

It's about 10:30 a.m. here on Saturday morning and I'm still in my pajamas even though I know I have a lot of things to do. Joan is at work with his dad now and when he gets back we have to go to the city hall and register me as a member of this town! Pretty exciting. After that, it's off to the grocery store to pick up some food (since our fridge is practically empty) and at 2 Sergi is coming over for lunch. I'm making Mexican, his favorite.

Later tonight, Xevi, Albert and I are going to Girona to a Japanese Restaraunt. I checked it out last Thursday with Elizabeth so I could scope out the menu and the place so I would know what to expect and what to wear, also important. It's a really nice place and it's right on the river Onyar so I know we will have good views. After that we're going to a town, that I can't figure out how to spell, and meeting up with some of Joan's other friends. As always, I'll be sure to take photos.

Sunday is lunch with Joan's family and studying for my Spanish test that I have Monday. eek!

Hope all is well in the states.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

This Girl Rocks My Spanish Socks

I love this girl!

If you see her on the street in Vegas give her a hug for me, and if you're a good-looking guy give her a big KISS and money for her to gamble with! She'll love you for it and so will I!

Thank you Heather for being a wonderful friend and keeping in touch with me so good like you always do!

Love and Miss you a ton!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Tengo Hambre!

My posts have been serious lately so I thought I would spice things up a bit with some photos of all the delicious foods I've had while here in Spain. Some of them I cooked myself, others were from restaurants here or in other countries. Enjoy!

Waffle with Cream in Paris

Pasta with Parmesan and Four Cheese Sauce

Croissants, Café and Orange Juice in Paris

Salmon Spinach and Potatoes in Portugal

Pastry from the Argentinian Bakery

Pastries from Barcelona

Chocolate Mousse with Ice Cream at Vegetús

Paella with Lobster at El Túnel

Onion Rings and "Sticks" de Mozzarella from Panxos

Alfredo Pasta with Shrimp

Paella at Mas Romeu

Calamari at Mas Romeu

On that note, I'm going to start making dinner.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Feeling the Pressure

July, incredibly, is almost over. It is amazing how fast this month has gone by. This morning, Joan asked me what the day was and he really was amazed at not only how fast this month as gone by but the year as well!

My Spanish class is almost over and I feel like I have learned a lot. I want to sign up for the September course as well if I can. Next month I will have two weeks of Spanish with Clara and then Nikki and Eryn will be here! I really want the next few weeks to move at a turtle's pace because once August is here, that month to will fly by.

For the last few hours I've been contemplating my next move. I'm trying to enroll in school as soon as possible. I have found a few today that Joan and I will call and check out in the next couple weeks. In order to get my transcripts, I have to pay $2,700.00 to Northwest. Lucky for me that's only 1,757.98 € in Spain. Still a lot, but definetly better. I am thinking about enrolling as a new student, a freshman and then changing my status later when I can get my transcripts. First, I must see if this is even possible.

Another thing on my to-do list is FIND A JOB! It seems so impossible. I really want to take an online course in September to get my degree in teaching English to foreigners and then try to find a job with that. I hope to start school a.s.a.p in order to stop having to pay my loans each month but I may not be able to start until Janurary. And then, once I start, How do I let all my loans know I'm back in school? I don't even know how many I have or how to find out! My goodness.

I am very lucky to have Joan who loves me, my family that supports me and friends who are there to listen. I know everything will work out, somehow or another it always does.

In other news, my sorority sister Nicole is in Spain now visiting one of her friends. She is only about two hours away from me and will take the train to Lloret (or Barcelona) this Friday to visit. I am so excited for that! Xander is traveling around Europe and should be in Spain within the next few weeks so that will hold me over until Nikki and Eryn arrive. ALSO Joan's friends from Ireland will be staying three nights with us in August. So, in otherwords I need to start charging room and board.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Feeling Blessed

It's 8:00 p.m. here in Spain and I'm sitting on my terrace taking in the views and cool summer breeze carrying the smells of salt water up to my balcony. This is by far my favorite spot in the entire flat. Especially since we get WiFi here, it's even better. It is inspiring me to write a book. I think I should, eventually. About my travels and experiences here. Although the book might be a best-seller if I wait another 10 years.

No matter what, I feel incredibly lucky about being here right now. I know some people will think it wrong that I left everything and everyone to move to Spain but It was a good decision for me. Joan and I are better than ever and life here is very good. I'm job hunting still but I'm also going to take courses to teach English. My Spanish has improved greatly since moving here in January and I can say I've changed a lot as a person too. I've made good friends and made good memories, and I feel like this is just the beginning.

Enough rambling on about that for now. I'm looking forward to a relaxing night, watching movies,maybe studying my Spanish a bit making a great dinner.

Hope all is well where you are.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Mini Update

It seems all I have had time for is "mini updates" but not to much has been going on for a long post.

Today after class, Elizabeth, Roderick and I went to Plaça Independencia or something like that, and had a beer together. They brought me to this great place, Café Royal and Elizabeth ordered me a Dutch beer. It was actually really good.

A bit later Roderick's girlfriend Marta arrived and we went two doors down to Konig for lunch. We sat and talked for hours until it was 5:30 and I had to leave to meet Joan. When Rod and Marta went one way and Elizabeth and I had gone another, Joan called and told us he would meet us in the Barri Vell. So, Elizabeth and I wasted time window shopping (and a bit of actual shopping) waiting for him. She brought me to the tourist office and I left with my bag 5 lbs heavier than when I came in. I'm pretty glad though cause I got some great information and it will be a lot easier to plan a day in Girona when Nikki and Eryn get here.

Elizabeth really is great, always so nice and helpful. It is because of her I now know my way around Girona. Rod is a great guy too and I'm sure I will invite him and Marta to my birthday shindig next month. You can never have to many friends, right?

Tomorrow Joan and I are going to Ikea and then to the Bruce Springsteen concert, should make for a good day.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Muy Rapido

The last few days have been going by so fast I can hardly keep up with them. Here is a brief summary of what has been going on.

Saturday I went to Girona with Joan to visit his friends I had never met before. Only one of them spoke English. They were all very Catalan so I was pretty much the odd one out all day, even though Joan did a decent job of translating. One girl, Gemma, pissed me off when she said I couldn't play the trivia game because "it would be to difficult to translate". I ended up getting most of the answers right, mostly in the drawing category. It felt good to prove her wrong and look badass even if it was just a trivia game.

Sunday was pretty laidback. Lunch at Joan's parents, spent time in the pool, went to bed early. Exciting life, isn't it?

Monday I had a doctor's appointment in Girona, woman things as Joan likes to say. Let me say it went "ok". The doctor was very nice and spoke English which helped. If you are a close friend of mine I will tell you the full story via telephone not via internet (even though I still believe 5 people read this). After we went to the mall and I got some pretty great things at H&M. I love that store.

Today I was back in my Spanish class and It was great. Kindra and I talked about planning a end of class party. Possibly we can get everyone to go out to dinner and drinks. It is amazing how much I will miss everyone and I've only known them a couple weeks. I don't even think it has to do with the fact that I haven't had "friends" since December but more to do with that we are all sharing a common goal,similar experiences and spend four hours a day together learning,laughing and having a good time.

I'm still preparing the itinerary for Nikki and Eryn's visit. It is harder than I thought it would be actually, there are just to many things to do.

Well, it is 5 minutes till 6 and Joan will be picking me up soon. We have to go to the grocery store and then home. I'm watching Bowling for Columbine tonight. We started it last night but 30 minutes in I was to tired to finish it. Joan loves America too but when it comes to choosing a place to live, he always chose Europe. Now I am understanding why.

That is a whole other issue that I will talk about on another post.

Ciao Bellas

Friday, July 11, 2008

Europe vs America

I just watched Sicko the documentary Michael Moore made to bring awareness to the United States citizens about what's really going on in their country.

I haven't cried that much in a long time. Story after story about families and individuals who lost someone because of Health Insurance companies. A 79 year old man should NOT have to work just to afford his medication. A wife should NOT have to lose her husband because companies want to save more money. Please, rent or go to and watch Sicko. You will be so glad you did.

It's no wonder Angelina chooses to have her children in France. They have the best health care in the world. Everything is free for the citizens. Did you know that a government worker will come to your home if you are a new mother and help you take care of the child,of the house? It's true. Did you know that in France, doctors make house calls, 24 hours? Did you know it costs nothing.

Even the middle class French live comfortably because they don't have debt. In France, you receive a MINIMUM 5 weeks paid vacation. You have unlimited sick days. You recieve government help and don't have to wait more than an hour in the ER. Daycare costs roughly $1 per child, and that is at a top notch daycare. I could go on and on.

In Britain, it is the same. Government doctors make roughly $200,000 a year. One doctor who was interviewed in England, makes that, drives an Audi, has a million dollar home and lives comfortably. He gets paid by how healthy his patients are. If he can get his patients to stop smoking, lower their blood pressure, lower their cholesterol; he gets more money. Incredible concept right?

I am so grateful to be here in Spain and receiving my social security card on Monday. If I go to the doctor, it is free. As are the medicines I need. When Joan found out I didn't have health insurance in the states, he was furious. He told me if I ever had children I would have them in Europe.

Please, watch Sicko and see for yourself. It is amazing the truths that are told.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Hanging out with Elizabeth

After class today, Elizabeth invited me to go to the mall with her. I have nothing better to do and she is very nice so I decided, why not?

Some background information:Elizabeth is 72, a grandmother and here in Spain because her two children married Europeans. Her daughter owns a tattoo shop with her husband here in Girona. So, she came here to live and be close with her grandchildren. Anyway, after class she doesn't have to much to do so she showed me how to take the bus from the city center to the next town where the mall is.

We had a great time walking around, talking, and such. She wanted me to try everything on and buy everything-bad influence! In a way she reminded me of my grandmother. I actually gave her my grandmother's address, maybe she can talk my grandma into a long vacation here in Spain. It's possible.

At 6:00 Joan arrived and Elizabeth took the bus back to the city center. Joan bought sunglasses and a button down I picked out for him at H&M. The sales are unbelievable. It sucks we're not rich and that we're trying to save. damn. I can't complain because yesterday I got an awesome dress and top from Zara and picked out a few things for my birthday.

Tomorrow I'm skipping class because Joan is going to London and I don't want to take the bus home. Besides, I can go to the beach, get the house cleaned and relax.


Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Updates Updates Updates

1. Joan and I got the Verizon issue taken care of yesterday. I was firm and really stressed to Verizon that I was not paying a cent after paying $300 in March for this to all be over with. So, Joan faxed them the proof that they needed (to show I really wasn't in America anymore) and all is done. I even managed to not have to pay the $15 in taxes they wanted me to pay. So, one bill gone completely gone. It's gonna be pre paid phones from here on out!

2.Spanish class was great today, I rocked my new Burberry camisetta I got from La Roca on Sunday and after, Courtney,Roderick and I went to Fresco and had a nice time there. I should be studying Spanish but here I am instead.

3.Joan is going to London tomorrow so I might play hookie and stay home. I love class and don't want to miss it but if I went I would have to wait two hours after class at the bus station and then take the bus home at 4, then walk home to an empty house and wait for Joan. Not sure if I'm up for all that.

I've started writing Velicia again, who knows maybe one day Joan and I will visit her. Maybe that would be a good thing.

All for now loves

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Bad News Bearcats

Just recieved an email from my aunt, Verizon sent her a bill for $165.00. I do believe I paid off and cancelled my phone FIVE months ago! Why? Why do you do this to me Verizon?!

Also, my loan companies are starting to call to collect. I don't have a job and can't get one for another month at least AND I can't even start school because I don't have a job to pay off the school for them to send me my transcripts!

In other news, my Spanish class was crazy today. Everyone was in a joking mood and I ended up tallying up the amount of times our professor says, "vamos a ver". The total by 2:00 was 50. ay dios.

I'm at la biblioteca until 6 when Joan gets off work, he wants to go to Media Market and look around but I am completely exhausted and with this news of bills today, well, I'd rather just crawl into bed and stay there until tomorrow morning.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Podría ser la turista

This news will not have reached the states as it is local but something very sad happened in Lloret today. A young girl who had been missing since July 1st was found in a field near my home. She was a 23 year old Italian girl who was last seen by her friends at 2:30 a.m. leaving a club.

Joan and I were driving down the usual road we take to go home when we saw the police tape and news cameras along the road. Immediately we knew it was this girl. We later checked the internet where we found this article. Now we are watching the story on the news. What is most disturbing to me is that Joan and I have driven past that field everyday since the day she was missing; and she was right there. How very sad. To be so excited to go on vacation with your one knows the exact story but police are investigating and now they have suspects in custody.

I reallyworry about the tourists here sometimes, girls going out with any guy they meet, bars mixing very strong alcohols(that they sometimes make themselves) and selling shots of these concoctions for 1 €, making it easy for men to slip drugs to girls drinks. I hope her killer is brought to justice.

Her friends and family will be in my prayers and I hope yours too.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Skipping over July 4th to Joan's Birthday

July 4th came and went like any other American holiday would in Spain. The most patriotic I got was in the car on the way to Spanish class when I sang the National Anthem to Joan, when Cataluña Radio played the Beach Boys and when my teacher read us the Declaration of Independence in Spanish. Next year, (if we are in the states) I will show Joan the real deal, especially since he will be an "American".

Today is Joan's birthday. This afternoon we went to Xevi's for a BBQ. I made Mashed Potatoes and Corn and Grilled Chicken. It was a fun afternoon except Joan was a bit sick. He made it through the barbecue all right but tonight at Castell Medevil he was sick again. Poor guy. It was still a lot of fun and after the show we went to the "Medevil Bar" opened his presents and we left. Three years ago he was sick on his Saint Day too. I don't know what happens to him on these days but he just has bad luck I suppose.

Anyway, tomorrow I am going to La Roca with Maribel and Arianna. It should be a lot of fun and I hope to get a lot of things for a good price! Sales!

Hope all is well where you are.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008


At the library again waiting for Joan to get off work. Yesterday, at 6 we went car shopping. We looked at smarts and honda civics and dreamt a little. It's nice to have reminders of why work is a necessity. The only way we would get a car here is if we didn't move to the states. This is a question we ask ourselves (almost) every day. The Economy is so bad right now, is it smart to leave everything and go without knowing if there are jobs for us? Not really.

As usual, there is a tremendous amount of research to be done between us. All we have decided is that no matter I'm finishing school (somewhere) and Joan is going to Pilot School (somewhere).

Day two of class went well, much better than yesterday (Mucho mejor que ayer). Courtney, Kindra and I talked more and I spoke with one of the men from Africa, he turned out to be pretty nice too. The more I get to know the people in class the less afraid I am to speak up. In fact, I had a debate (in spanish) with the guy from Africa, Ajheed. He spoke about women in the kitchen and men in the workplace and I countered with equal rights and the need for more money in today's economy. One income doesn't cut it unless that income is extreme. Even then, there is only so much cooking and cleaning I will do until I get bored. It was muy intresante. Pilar, la professora, told me that my pronunciation was very good. Bonus! I should study now too but I'm un poco enferma hoy y yo no quiero estudio.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

First Day of School

I am not embarrassed to say that I was truly nervous this morning thinking of all the things that could happen in my Spanish class. What if everyone was mean? What if I didn't catch on quickly? What if I humiliated myself? Well, almost all those questions were answered.

Joan walked me to the school this morning at 9 a.m. Inside there is a nice cafeteria where we had breakfast and waited until he had to go to work. At 10 a.m. my class started. I was the first one in the room so la profesora talked to me. Her name is Pilar and my guess is that she is in her late 40s or early 50s. She doesn't speak English so I tried my broken spanish and she told me I did very well and that my comprehension was very good. Hmm...we'll see I thought.

When everyone arrived there were 16 of us. Three people from Africa, four from the United States, two from Australia,one from Holland, three from China, one from Turkey and two from Poland Martin and Paulina spoke with me first and were very nice. They are actually azafatas for Ryanair. Kindra is from Utah and is here with a family from the states for their cycling competition. Courtney is married and is here because her husband is a professional cyclist. I'm not sure where Elizabeth is from but she is in her 70s and works with the stock market.
I sat between Sal from Africa and Roderick from Australia. Rod's girlfriend is Catalan, that is why he is here. (Already something in common) he is very nice and catches on quickly.

One man from Africa (who is a professor of English in Gambia) spoke about the sub-standard English in America and how English in England and Africa was Standard and better and well-spoken. Blah Blah Blah. No me gusta British English.

The class was going well but the first time Pilar called on me I had no idea what she said so I gave her my best "no se" and she skipped over me. The second time I was confused and babbled on about the wrong thing. Although later when she asked me about the United States I did speak well and showed off what little I know.

During the second 15 minute break, Courtney and I decided to head out and find the book we need for class. About everyone else had it but us. Kindra said it was close and had given directions before so off we went. 15 minutes later we were no where near the bookstore. We asked a local for directions (we understood mas o menos) and tried again. Needless to say, we didn't find the store and were ten minutes late to class. Elizabeth told us she went during the break and it is right around the corner. joder!

The rest of the class went well, I felt more comfortable and am looking forward to the rest of the month. I really think I could make friends with Kindra, Courtney is leaving soon but often comes back to Spain. I'm not sure of her age but she could easily be 25.

At least I'm not like the chinese girl, Xintong who absolutley knows nothing of Spanish. I feel bad when Pilar stands in front of her, constantly repeating herself as if Xintong will automatically "get it".

Joan was outside the door when class was dismissed and we went to lunch at Fresco. It was definetly needed after four hours of Spanish.

Tonight I will buy the book, study up for tomorrow and face another day. I now know to bring a snack, take ibuprofen in the morning to prepare for the headache I get when I hear straight Spanish for over an hour and not be afraid to make a fool out of myself.
