Friday, January 2, 2009


A fellow blogger wrote in her blog 16 random things about herself. I am inspired by her post and will do the same in my personal blogosphere. Her and I have a lot in common and perhaps after reading mine (and hers too!) you will be inspired to do the same and who knows maybe a giant chain of "16 Things" will spread like a California Willdfire (too soon?) and we'll be famous. Here goes.

1.I like to clean. A lot. I'm not an OCD case or anything but I don't think it's that weird that I need the house to be generally clean before bed, before studying or well just about anything. I like a clean space and if anyone needed to eat off my floor, they probably could without catching any major germs.

2. However, just because I like to clean a lot doesn't mean I love showering. Yes, I do it because I'd be considered gross and smelly and well the boy probably wouldn't like it. It's such a hassle to me. Sometimes I will admit it's refreshing after a run, a workout or long day; but other than that I really loathe shower time. I must have had a trauma as a child.

3.I'm addicted to coffee or hot chocolate. In America I never drank coffee, or not real coffee, just Starbucks blends and shiz. Now I always order a café amb llet or café con leche for all you Spanish speaking folks out there. During the months of December-February I drink Hot Chocolate a lot. Not that Chocolate pudding stuff Spain has but the real Hot Chocolate sent from the states. With marshmallows, of course. I always work better and it's how I get excited about going to work, I know if I go, I'll get a cup of coffee. I must have been so easy to appease as a kid.

4.I'm on the same wave length as jo, When Harry Met Sally is my all time favorite movie and I'm stoked for the day when I go to NYC again and sit in the diner where Sally had her "famous scene" I think you know which one I mean. I'm glad I found my Harry, in form of a Spaniard named Joan but well, it works.

5. I don't LOVE scary movies but I'll watch them with a group of friends on occasion. I know it's a movie but when scary movies are based on events that are realistic they stay in my mind for days, if not weeks. Joan's little brother played Black Christmas yesterday and even though I KNOW that an inbred psycho isn't going to escape and come to my apartment because she used to live there and now wants to eat my eyes-I still thought about that scenario and what I would do if that were to occur.Who's going to be the prepared one when crazy stuff starts happening? ME.

6.I love Reeses. I also love peanut butter M&Ms but I heard they're not being sold anymore? Not sure but either way I love them. Peanut Butter on it's own isn't so appetizing but when mixed with Chocolate, I can't for the life of me think of anything better than that. I once had one of Joan's friends bring me back some when he went to Vegas but I guess he was confused or never heard of them because he brought me back Peanut M&Ms even though he knows those are sold here and very easy to get. I was sad.

7. I love to watch movies as well. It saddens me greatly because theaters only show movies in Spanish and I hate watching George Clooney's mouth move one direction and his words go another. Ruins the beauty of a film for me. I now have to resort to downloading shoddy films where every ten minutes or so I see a shadow of a person get up and move down the aisle to go to the bathroom. When I go home to America I want to see a movie everyday.

8.I love reading. I'm an addict, books are my drug. It's an expensive habit because I can't find the books I want here, in English. I have to order them or when I go to London for work, buy them there. I love owning books. I'm preparing for my future mansion's future library. I have over forty books which is a great start but depresses Joan when he thinks of all the money that goes into my habit. I don't care, they are wonderful and I want more of them. You can often find me on the barnes&noble website, foaming at the mouth.

9.I can never find my socks. When I lived in FL I never had any because I wore flip flops 24/7. I had about five pairs when I moved to KC and now that I'm here and wear boots almost everyday I can never find my socks. Joan has half a ton so I usually have to wear his which are way to big and kind of ugly. I need to buy some socks.

10.I love to go on walks. But I hate walking if I'm forced. I walk to work each day and its the longest walk ever, especially when it's cold. I like to wander around Girona or Barcelona or anywhere and could do so for hours. Especially around lakes. In 30 minutes I have to walk back to work-the walk I hate the most.

11.I love Disney movies. Secretly until about now. Aladdin was on the other night and I really wanted to watch it but of course Joan didn't and he told me he would just download it for me sometime. I swear I'm not a freak about this but they're the kind of films you can just enjoy and relax and sing a long too. I don't deny myself this that make me smile, especially not cute monkeys named Abu and genie's that grant wishes in a fun musical way.

12. I don't like pigeons. I have come to call groups of elderly people pigeons. There are lots of pigeons in Barcelona, both varieties and they both sit in parks. Only in Paris do they feed each other. They constantly coo and if you've ever watched them try to eat something, it makes me frustrated and I just want to shout" your beak is small! can't you open your mouth?" or "That's a rock! You'll never be able to it so just stop pecking at it!"

13. One of my best friends here is an 80 year old woman named Pilar. She is the secretary at work and she only speaks Spanish/Catalan so it forces me to practice the language skills. She makes me soup when I'm sick at work or baked apples during the holidays. When I tell her I'm going out with Joan after work for a date or something, she sprays me with her Lowe perfume that she says is "very sophisticated" and the same people annoy her that annoy me so it gives us fun gossip time. She's great.

14.I used to dance a lot. I did ballet and jazz and hip hop for a lot of years. I miss it a lot. I used to act too, just a bit but it could have been a calling. I could have worked with Johnny Depp or Brad Pitt. If only...If only.

15.I was an only child for a long time until my little brother was born. He's my half brother but all the same. I'm 21 and he's 9. I miss him a ton since I've been here but we'll pick up right where we left off when I see him in two weeks. I'm still the only girl so that's just as good as being an only child pretty much.

16. I live in Spain and like some others I am elitist about it and only those of you who have lived in Europe will understand. We're better than you and we can say it in another language to prove it.


Joanna said...

haha hey I see some familiar ones in there

Hrf said...

wow.. i loved it. i should try and do this myself.