Thursday, January 29, 2009

I'm baaack

Back to work and back to life in Spain. Suprisingly I'm not as depressed as I thought I would be. Maybe its because I had such a great time and soaked up every minute with my friends and family. You would think that would mean I would be really sad and depressed but It's not that bad. I'm more sad and depressed about work. Things are crazy and seemed to fall apart while I was gone. I'm here now trying to pick up all the pieces and get the job done which isnt easy if you know the people I work with!
As for the trip I have a ton of photos that I will probably post when I can. Joan's laptop has been cold and dead for a couple weeks now and we may get a new one this weekend if the budget allows....I so hope it does. Right now Joan is at the Univesity studying for his exam that he has tonight, I told him I was jealous and he told me I was crazy. I need to finish school for goodness sake! I want to start at Dublin University Online this fall but if I want to have a wedding in Jan 2010 I don't know if I can unless the boss decides to give us a raise, which we both really really need. After returning from America I'm just so ready to move or do something else, my friends joke because Ive never stayed more than a year and a half someplace and they are so right. I'll have to wait and see what the next couple of months have in store for me before I make any rash decisions.
Back to work and I promise to upload pics and tell you the stories of the vacation asap!