Thursday, December 11, 2008

Fa la la la la la la la la.

Tis the season for madness, isn't that right? Things are crazy in the office right now. I'm trying to get references sent before the holidays approach and it's proving to be quite difficult. Tonight I will be dealing with the students when they come to the office after their class ends at 6:00. I just want all the paperwork to be perfect!

In other news I recieved the package from my grandmother yesterday. The box smelled like my home in Florida Joan said; A mixture of vanilla,cinnamon and detergent. I started to cry when I sprayed the Cinnamon Home Scent from Bath and Body Works-my family uses that at home and it just made me so homesick. She sent me lotions and creams, scented oils and the Josh Groban Christmas CD. She also sent me a lot of boxes for baking, brownies and bluberry muffins, marshmellows,Stuffing Mix and so much more. It made my week! It's beginning to feel like Christmas.

This weekend I am going to La Roca Village with Maribel and Ariana, Joan might come along as well. A good dose of shopping at the Mango store and Burberry is greatly needed. I still want to get things for Maribel and Arianna as well. Oh the holidays.

Seasons Greetings!