Saturday, October 11, 2008

Una Habitación Nueva y otras cosas

I have a few pictures of the new flat but I will just post four. The place isn't finished yet so the other pictures aren't that great anyway. Besides I want you all to see the finished product once Joan and I have moved in. The first picture is looking down from the loft into the living room. The second photo is of the sofa in the living room that also serves as a bed if we need it to. The living room looks small in the photo and not that it's big but it definetly is more spacious than the picture shows. My favorite part is the different textures, the stone, the brick and the hardwood floors. The third is of the main window in the living room. The last one is of the sink and mirror area in the bedroom. You can see the shower is to the right of the mirror and to the left is the bathroom which isn't in the picture. Nothing much to see, just a toilet surrounded by mosaic tile, nice but a boring photo. Those are the only pictures for now but like I said, I'll add more in a month or so after we've moved in!

In other news, I drove today. This is a big deal because I haven't been behind the wheel in 10 months! I don't know why I never took the car out before but we never had time or we did other things...but today Joan made me basically. We went to his parents to see his brother and pick up a few things. I ended up driving the quad around the property for awhile and it felt so good driving again, driving something. Joan asked if I wanted to take the Volkswagen around the property a bit, so I did, I felt comfortable so we drove around Lloret and to Fenals Beach to have a coffee. I was so nervous, I almost hit a cop on a motorbike ( he didn't notice but I sure did) went through the crazy roundabouts and managed to park fairly well. I used to be so confident, I've always been a great driver but I had to get back into that mindset. Joan's mom was happy I finally took the car out and said I could anytime. Now that Adriana has her new car, I'll have more opportunity to take it out if I need/want to. Joan will call the consulate Monday to see about my license and if it's valid here as well. I hope so, if I have to take the test that will be a major drag. First of all the written test will be in Spanish and the driving test will be with a manuel car and it will be 1200 euros or something ridiculous. I think I'd rather drive illegally. Kinda.

Tonight Albert is coming over for a bit and when Shabir gets home we're going to go out for alittle while with him. He will be returning from the Paris Auto Show so I'm expecting a lot of car talk.

Tomorrow Joan's uncles and cousins will be there for lunch so I'm pretty excited about that. It's nice to have big family gatherings. I also have a lot to do tomorrow, study for Spanish a bit, prepare the lessons for my class Monday with Pablo and Carlos, pack and do laundry. Hopefully I can get everything done. Today was such a lazy day, I slept in until 12 then laid around the couch for an hour and after watched an episode of Prison Break with Joan. I didn't even leave the house until 5:30 today. Lazy Saturdays are good now and then.

I better end this post and get ready for tonight. Hope all is well in the states, as well as it can be right now.



Heather said...

Not driving for 10 months??? I'm not sure I could manage that lol

And I love the apartment - very chic. Reminds me of a great place in the Village in NYC or some really hip apartment you'd see in one of those lawyer tv show lol

Love you mucho!